Source code for ember.input

A set of classes for specifying input parameters for the Ember solver.

Create a :class:`.Config` object to be passed to :func:`` or
Sane defaults are given for most input parameters. Create a customized
configuration by passing :class:`.Options` objects to the constructor for

    conf = Config(

from __future__ import print_function

import numbers
import os
import sys
import cantera
import numpy as np
from . import utils
import copy
import time
import shutil

from . import _ember
from . import output

if sys.version_info.major == 3:
    _stringTypes = (str,)
    _stringTypes = (str, unicode)

[docs] class Option(object): """ Instances of this class are used as class members of descendants of class :class:`Options` to represent a single configurable value. When a user-specified value for an option is specified (as a keyword argument to the constructor of a class derived from :class:`Options`), that value is stored in this object and validated to make sure it satisfies any applicable constraints. :param default: The default value for this option :param choices: A sequence of valid values for this option, e.g. ``['Mix', 'Multi']``. The *default* choice is automatically included in *choices*. :param min: The minimum valid value for this option :param max: The maximum valid value for this option :param nullable: Set to *True* if *None* is a valid value for this option, regardless of any other restrictions. Automatically set to *True* if *default* is *None*. :param label: A human readable label to be used in the GUI in place of the attribute name to which this Option is assigned. :param level: A number from 0-3 indicating the obscurity level of this option. Used to selectively hide advanced options in the GUI. 0 is always shown. 3 is never shown. :param filter: A function that takes a :class:`Config` object as an argument and returns *True* if this option should be enabled Requiring values of a particular type is done by using one of the derived classes: :class:`StringOption`, :class:`BoolOption`, :class:`IntegerOption`, :class:`FloatOption`. """ counter = [0] # used to preserve options in the order they are defined def __init__(self, default, choices=None, min=None, max=None, nullable=False, label=None, level=0, filter=None): self.value = default self.default = default if choices: self.choices = set(choices) self.choices.add(default) else: self.choices = None self.min = min self.max = max self.isSet = False self.nullable = nullable or self.default is None self.label = label self.level = level self.filter = filter self.sortValue = self.counter[0] self.counter[0] += 1 def validate(self): if self.choices and self.value not in self.choices: return '%r not in %r' % (self.value, list(self.choices)) if self.min is not None and self.value < self.min: return ('Value (%s) must be greater than or equal to %s' % (self.value, self.min)) if self.max is not None and self.value > self.max: return ('Value (%s) must be less than or equal to %s' % (self.value, self.max)) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.value) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.value) # python2 def __bool__(self): return bool(self.value) # python3 def __eq__(self, other): try: return self.value == other.value except AttributeError: return self.value == other def shouldBeEnabled(self, conf): if self.filter: return bool(self.filter(conf)) else: return True
[docs] class StringOption(Option): """ An option whose value must be a string. """ def validate(self): if not (isinstance(self.value, _stringTypes) or (self.value is None and self.nullable)): return 'Value must be a string. Got %r' % self.value return Option.validate(self)
[docs] class BoolOption(Option): """ An option whose value must be a boolean value. """ def validate(self): if not (self.value in (True, False, 0, 1) or (self.value is None and self.nullable)): return 'Value must be a boolean. Got %r' % self.value return Option.validate(self)
[docs] class IntegerOption(Option): """ An option whose value must be a integer. """ def validate(self): if not (isinstance(self.value, numbers.Integral) or (self.value is None and self.nullable)): return 'Value must be an integer. Got %r' % self.value return Option.validate(self)
[docs] class FloatOption(Option): """ An option whose value must be a floating point number. """ def validate(self): if not (isinstance(self.value, numbers.Number) or (self.value is None and self.nullable)): return 'Value must be a number. Got %r' % self.value return Option.validate(self)
[docs] class Options(object): """ Base class for elements of :class:`.Config` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Copy the defaults from the class's dictionary for name,value in self.__class__.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(value, Option): setattr(self, name, copy.deepcopy(value)) # Apply the options specified in kwargs for key,value in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self, key): opt = getattr(self, key) if isinstance(opt, Option): opt.value = value opt.isSet = True message = opt.validate() if message: raise ValueError('\nInvalid option specified for %s.%s:\n%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, key, message)) else: setattr(self, key, value) else: raise KeyError('Unrecognized configuration option: %s' % key) def _stringify(self, indent=0): ans = [] spaces = None for attr in dir(self): if attr.startswith('_') or attr == 'isSet': continue value = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(value, Option): if type(value.value) == type(value.default) and value.value == value.default: continue else: value = value.value if not isinstance(value, numbers.Number): value = repr(value) if not spaces: header = ' '*indent + self.__class__.__name__ + '(' spaces = ' '*len(header) else: header = spaces ans.append('%s%s=%s,' % (header, attr, value)) if ans: ans[-1] = ans[-1][:-1] + ')' else: ans = '' return ans def __iter__(self): allOpts = [item for item in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(item[1], Option)] allOpts.sort(key=lambda item: item[1].sortValue) return allOpts.__iter__()
[docs] def isSet(self, option): """ Returns True if the named option has a user-specified value """ try: return getattr(self.original, option).isSet except AttributeError: return getattr(self, option).isSet
# frequently-used filter predicates def _isPremixed(conf): return conf.initialCondition.flameType == 'premixed' def _isDiffusion(conf): return conf.initialCondition.flameType == 'diffusion' def _isSymmetric(conf): return conf.general.flameGeometry == 'cylindrical' or conf.general.twinFlame def _usingCvode(conf): return conf.general.chemistryIntegrator == 'cvode' def _usingQss(conf): return conf.general.chemistryIntegrator == 'qss' # Dynamically decide on the default file extension: Use HDF5 if h5py is # available, otherwise default to npz try: import h5py dynamicDefaultFileExtension = StringOption('h5', ('npz',)) except ImportError: dynamicDefaultFileExtension = StringOption('npz', ('h5',))
[docs] class Paths(Options): """ Directories for input and output files """ #: Relative path to the directory where output files (outNNNNNN.h5, #: profNNNNNN.h5) will be stored. Automatically created if it doesn't #: already exist. outputDir = StringOption("run/test1", label='Output Directory') #: File to use for log messages. If *None*, write output to stdout logFile = StringOption(None, label='Log file', level=2)
[docs] class General(Options): """ High-level configuration options """ #: True if the temperature and mass fractions on the burned gas #: side of the flame should be held constant. Applicable only to #: premixed flames. The default is *True* for twin or curved flames with #: burned gas at x=0, and *False* otherwise. fixedBurnedVal = BoolOption(None, level=1, filter=_isPremixed) #: True if the position of the leftmost grid point should be held #: constant. Should usually be True for Twin and Curved flame #: configurations. fixedLeftLocation = BoolOption(False, level=1, filter=_isSymmetric) #: Geometry specification for the flame. Options are: 'planar', 'cylindrical', #: and 'disc.' flameGeometry = StringOption("planar", ("cylindrical","disc"), level=1) #: True if solving a planar flame that is symmetric about the x = 0 plane. twinFlame = BoolOption(False, filter=lambda conf: conf.general.flameGeometry != 'cylindrical') #: Input file (HDF5 format) containing the interpolation data needed for #: the quasi2d mode. Contains: #: #: - vector *r* (length *N*) #: - vector *z* (length *M*) #: - Temperature array *T* (size *N* x *M*) #: - radial velocity array *vr* (size *N* x *M*) #: - axial velocity array *vz* (size *N* x *M*) interpFile = StringOption(None, level=2, filter=lambda conf: conf.initialCondition.flameType == 'quasi2d') #: *True* if the unburned fuel/air mixture should be used as the #: left boundary condition. Applicable only to premixed flames. unburnedLeft = BoolOption(True, level=1, filter=_isPremixed) #: *True* if the fuel mixture should be used as the left boundary #: condition. Applicable only to diffusion flames. fuelLeft = BoolOption(True, level=1, filter=_isDiffusion) #: Method for setting the boundary condition for the continuity equation #: Valid options are: ``fixedLeft``, ``fixedRight``, ``fixedQdot``, #: ``fixedTemperature``, and ``stagnationPoint``. The ``fixedTemperature`` #: condition holds the location where the midpoint temperature is reached #: constant, while the other options fix the value of V at the specified #: point. continuityBC = StringOption("fixedLeft", ("fixedRight", "fixedQdot", "fixedTemperature", "stagnationPoint"), level=2) #: Integrator to use for the chemical source terms. Choices are #: ``qss`` (explicit, quasi-steady state) and ``cvode`` (implicit, #: variable-order BDF). chemistryIntegrator = StringOption("qss", ("cvode",), level=1) #: Method to use for splitting the convection / diffusion / reaction #: terms. Options are ``strang`` and ``balanced``. splittingMethod = StringOption("balanced", ("strang",), level=2) #: Number of integration failures to tolerate in the chemistry #: integrator before aborting. errorStopCount = IntegerOption(100, level=2) #: Number of threads to use for evaluating terms in parallel nThreads = IntegerOption(1, min=1, level=1, label='Number of Processors') #: Order of Chebyshev polynomial to use in approximating input #: functions over a single global time step. chebyshevOrder = IntegerOption(5, min=2, level=3)
[docs] class Chemistry(Options): """ Settings pertaining to the Cantera mechanism file """ #: Path to the Cantera mechanism file in XML format mechanismFile = StringOption("gri30.yaml") #: ID of the phase to use in the mechanism file. #: Found on a line that looks like:: #: #: <phase dim="3" id="gas"> #: #: in the mechanism file. This is always "gas" for mechanisms converted #: using ck2cti and cti2ctml. This option only needs to be specified if #: the desired phase is not the first phase defined in the input file. phaseID = StringOption("", level=1) #: Transport model to use. Valid options are ``Mix``, ``Multi``, ``UnityLewis``, and ``Approx`` transportModel = StringOption("Approx", ("Mix", "Multi", "UnityLewis"), level=1) #: Kinetics model to use. Valid options are ``standard`` and ``interp``. kineticsModel = StringOption("interp", ("standard",), level=2) #: Mole fraction threshold for including species with ``transportModel = "Approx"`` threshold = FloatOption(1e-5, level=2, label='Approx. transport threshold', filter=lambda conf: conf.chemistry.transportModel == 'Approx') #: Set a scalar multiplier for the reaction rate term as a function time rateMultiplierFunction = Option(None, level=3)
[docs] class Grid(Options): """ Parameters controlling the adaptive grid """ #: Maximum relative scalar variation of each state vector #: component between consecutive grid points. For high accuracy, #: ``vtol = 0.08``; For minimal accuracy, ``vtol = 0.20``. vtol = FloatOption(0.12) #: Maximum relative variation of the gradient of each state vector #: component between consecutive grid points. For high accuracy, #: ``dvtol = 0.12``; For minimal accuracy, ``dvtol = 0.4``. dvtol = FloatOption(0.2) #: Relative tolerance (compared to vtol and dvtol) for grid point removal. rmTol = FloatOption(0.6, level=1) #: Parameter to limit numerical diffusion in regions with high #: convective velocities. dampConst = FloatOption(7, level=2) #: Minimum grid spacing [m] gridMin = FloatOption(5e-7, level=1) #: Maximum grid spacing [m] gridMax = FloatOption(2e-4, level=1) #: Maximum ratio of the distances between adjacent pairs of grid #: points. #: #: .. math:: \frac{1}{\tt uniformityTol} < \frac{x_{j+1}-x_j}{x_j-x_{j-1}} #: < {\tt uniformityTol} uniformityTol = FloatOption(2.5, level=2) #: State vector components smaller than this value are not #: considered whether to add or remove a grid point. absvtol = FloatOption(1e-8, level=2) #: Tolerance for each state vector component for extending the #: domain to satisfy zero-gradient conditions at the left and #: right boundaries. boundaryTol = FloatOption(5e-5, level=2) #: Tolerance for removing points at the boundary. Must be smaller #: than boundaryTol. boundaryTolRm = FloatOption(1e-5, level=2) #: For unstrained flames, number of flame thicknesses (based on #: reaction zone width) downstream of the flame to keep the right #: edge of the domain. unstrainedDownstreamWidth = FloatOption(5, level=2) #: Number of points to add when extending a boundary to satisfy #: boundaryTol. addPointCount = IntegerOption(3, min=0, level=2) #: For curved or twin flames, the minimum position of the first #: grid point past x = 0. centerGridMin = FloatOption(1e-4, min=0, level=2, filter=_isSymmetric)
[docs] class InitialCondition(Options): """ Settings controlling the initial condition for the integrator. If no restartFile is specified, an initial profile is created based on the specified fuel and oxidizer compositions. If an input file is specified, then setting fuel and oxidizer compositions will cause new values to be used only at the boundaries of the domain. The grid parameters are only used if no restart file is specified. """ #: Read initial profiles from the specified file, or if 'None', #: create a new initial profile. restartFile = StringOption(None, level=1) #: "premixed", "diffusion", or "quasi2d" flameType = StringOption('premixed', ('diffusion', 'quasi2d')) #: Temperature of the unburned fuel/air mixture for premixed flames [K]. Tu = FloatOption(300, label='Reactant Temperature', filter=_isPremixed) #: Temperature of the fuel mixture for diffusion flames [K]. Tfuel = FloatOption(300, label='Fuel Temperature', filter=_isDiffusion) #: Temperature of the oxidizer mixture for diffusion flames [K]. Toxidizer = FloatOption(300, label='Oxidizer Temperature', filter=_isDiffusion) #: Molar composition of the fuel mixture. fuel = Option("CH4:1.0", label='Molar Fuel Composition') #: Molar composition of the oxidizer mixture. oxidizer = Option("N2:3.76, O2:1.0", label='Molar Oxidizer Composition') #: Equivalence ratio of the fuel/air mixture for premixed flames. equivalenceRatio = FloatOption(0.75, min=0, label='Equivalence Ratio', filter=_isPremixed) #: Molar composition of the fuel + oxidizer mixture. Specify as an alternative #: to providing fuel and oxidizer compositions and equivalence ratio. reactants = Option(None, label='Molar Reactant Composition') #: Molar composition of the flow opposite the premixed reactant #: stream, if different from the equilibrium composition counterflow = StringOption(None, label='Composition of counterflow', filter=_isPremixed, level=1) #: Temperature of the flow opposite the premixed reactant stream, if #: different from the equilibrium temperature Tcounterflow = FloatOption(None, label='Temperature of counteflow', filter=_isPremixed, level=1) #: Adjust the composition of the counterflow stream so that the components #: are at equilibrium. This option specifies the property pair to hold #: constant during equilibration, or *False* to skip equilibration. The #: boundary condition is not consistent if this mixture has reactions that #: are proceeding at finite rates. For diffusion flames, this option is applied #: to the state of the oxidizer stream. equilibrateCounterflow = Option('TP', ('HP','UV','SV','TV','SP',False), label='Equilibrate specified counterflow mixture', level=1) #: Thermodynamic pressure [Pa] pressure = FloatOption(101325, min=0) #: Number of points in the initial uniform grid. nPoints = IntegerOption(100, level=1) #: Position of the leftmost point of the initial grid. xLeft = FloatOption(-0.002) #: Position of the rightmost point of the initial grid. xRight = FloatOption(0.002) #: The width of the central plateau in the initial profile [m]. For premixed #: flames, this mixture is composed of equilibrium products. For diffusion #: flames, this mixture is composed of a stoichiometric fuel/air brought to #: equilibrium at constant enthalpy and pressure. centerWidth = FloatOption(0.001, level=1) #: The width of the slope away from the central plateau in the #: initial profile [m]. Recommended value for premixed flames: #: 5e-4. Recommended value for diffusion flames: 1e-3. slopeWidth = FloatOption(0.0005, level=1) #: Number of times to run the generated profile through a low pass #: filter before starting the simulation. smoothCount = IntegerOption(4, level=2) #: True if initial profiles for x,T,U,V and Y are given haveProfiles = BoolOption(False, level=3) #: Initial grid used if ``haveProfiles`` is set to ``True`` x = Option(None, level=3) #: Initial temperature profile used if ``haveProfiles`` is set to ``True`` T = Option(None, level=3) #: Initial tangential velocity gradient profile used if ``haveProfiles`` is #: set to ``True`` U = Option(None, level=3) #: Initial mass fraction profiles used if ``haveProfiles`` is set to #: ``True`` Y = Option(None, level=3) #: Initial mass flux profile used if ``haveProfiles`` is set to ``True`` V = Option(None, level=3)
[docs] class WallFlux(Options): #: Reference temperature for the wall heat flux Tinf = FloatOption(300, level=2) #: Conductance of the wall [W/m^2-K] Kwall = FloatOption(100, level=2)
[docs] class Ignition(Options): """ Parameters for an artificial heat release rate function which can be used to simulate ignition. The heat release rate is a step function in time with a Gaussian spatial distribution. """ #: Beginning of the external heat release rate pulse [s]. tStart = FloatOption(0, level=2) #: Duration of the external heat release rate pulse [s]. duration = FloatOption(1e-3, level=2) #: Integral amplitude of the pulse [W/m^2]. energy = FloatOption(0, level=2) #: Location of the center of the pulse [m]. center = FloatOption(0, level=2) #: Characteristic width (standard deviation) of the pulse [m]. stddev = FloatOption(1e-4, level=2)
class ExternalHeatFlux(Options): """ User-specified function describing heat loss to the environment, e.g. through radiation. """ #: Heat loss function, which must be of the form `qdot = f(x, t, U, T, Y)` #: where `qdot` is the heat loss rate in W/m^3, `x` is the local position, #: `t` is the time, `U` is the tangential velocity gradient `T` is the #: temperature and `Y` is the array of species mass fractions. heatLoss = Option(None, level=3) #: Update the value of this function based on the current state vector of #: the source term integrator, rather than only at the start of each split #: timestep. Enabling this option incurs a significant performance penalty, #: and should only be done if the heat flux function is too stiff to be #: integrated otherwise. alwaysUpdate = BoolOption(False, level=3)
[docs] class StrainParameters(Options): """ Parameters defining the strain rate as a function of time. The strain rate changes linearly from *initial* to *final* over a period of *dt* seconds, starting at *tStart*. """ initial = FloatOption(400) #: Initial strain rate [1/s] final = FloatOption(400) #: final strain rate [1/s] tStart = FloatOption(0.000) #: time at which strain rate starts to change [s] dt = FloatOption(0.002) #: time period over which strain rate changes [s] #: A list of strain rates to use for a series of sequential #: integration periods (see :func:`~ember.utils.multirun`), with steady-state #: profiles generated for each strain rate before proceeding to the next. #: A typical list of strain rates to use:: #: #: rates = [9216, 7680, 6144, 4608, 3840, 3072, 2304, 1920, 1536, #: 1152, 960, 768, 576, 480, 384, 288, 240, 192, 144, 120, #: 96, 72, 60, 48, 36, 30, 24, 18, 15, 12] rates = Option(None, level=3) #: Specify the strain rate as a function of time, using any callable #! Python object. function = Option(None, level=2)
class Extinction(Options): """ Settings pertaining to running a flame extinction simulation """ #: Choice of increasing strain rate by a multiplicative factor or step size method = StringOption("step", ("step", "factor"), level=1) #: Starting and lower limits for increasing strain rate under either method initialStep = FloatOption(25.0) minStep = FloatOption(0.5) initialFactor = FloatOption(1.05) minFactor = FloatOption(1.0001) #: Factor by which the strain rate step size or increase factor is reduced by after each non-burning solution reductionFactor = FloatOption(0.6) #: Maximum profile temperature below which simulation is considered non-burning and immediately ended cutoffTemp = FloatOption(1000.0) #: Starting strain rate to be used when progressing to extinction initialStrainRate = FloatOption(300.0)
[docs] class PositionControl(Options): """ Parameters defining the position of the flame as a function of time (for twin / curved flames). These parameters are used to adjust the mass flux at r = 0 to move the flame toward the desired location. The flame moves from *xInitial* to *xFinal* over *dt* seconds, starting at *tStart*. The feedback controller which determines the mass flux uses the distance between the current flame location and the desired flame location with the gains specified by *proportionalGain* and *integralGain*. """ xInitial = FloatOption(0.0025, filter=_isSymmetric) #: xFinal = FloatOption(0.0025, filter=_isSymmetric) #: dt = FloatOption(0.01, filter=_isSymmetric) #: tStart = FloatOption(0, filter=_isSymmetric) #: proportionalGain = FloatOption(10, filter=_isSymmetric) #: integralGain = FloatOption(800, filter=_isSymmetric) #:
[docs] class Times(Options): """ Paremeters controlling integrator timesteps and frequency of output profiles. """ #: Integrator start time. tStart = FloatOption(0, level=1) #: Timestep used for operator splitting. globalTimestep = FloatOption(2e-5, level=1) #: Control for timestep used by the diffusion integrator. #: Actual timestep will be this multiplier times the stability #: limit an explicit integrator. diffusionTimestepMultiplier = FloatOption(10, level=2) #: Maximum amount of time before regridding / adaptation. regridTimeInterval = FloatOption(100, level=2) #: Maximum number of timesteps before regridding / adaptation. regridStepInterval = IntegerOption(20, level=2) #: Maximum number of steps between storing integral flame properties. outputStepInterval = IntegerOption(1, level=2) #: Maximum time between storing integral flame properties. outputTimeInterval = FloatOption(1e-5, level=2) #: Maximum number of timesteps before writing flame profiles. profileStepInterval = IntegerOption(1000, level=2) #: Maximum time between writing flame profiles. profileTimeInterval = FloatOption(1e-3, level=1) #: Number of timesteps between writing profNow.h5 currentStateStepInterval = IntegerOption(20, level=2) #: Number of timesteps between checks of the steady-state #: termination conditions. terminateStepInterval = IntegerOption(10, level=2)
[docs] class CvodeTolerances(Options): """ Tolerances for the CVODE chemistry integrator """ #: Relative tolerance for each state variable relativeTolerance = FloatOption(1e-6, level=2, filter=_usingCvode) #: Absolute tolerance for U velocity momentumAbsTol = FloatOption(1e-7, level=2, filter=_usingCvode) #: Absolute tolerance for T energyAbsTol = FloatOption(1e-8, level=2, filter=_usingCvode) #: Absolute tolerance for species mass fractions. speciesAbsTol = FloatOption(1e-13, level=2, filter=_usingCvode) #: Minimum internal timestep minimumTimestep = FloatOption(1e-18, level=2, filter=_usingCvode)
[docs] class QssTolerances(Options): """ Tolerances for the QSS chemistry integrator """ #: Accuracy parameter for determining the next timestep. epsmin = FloatOption(2e-2, level=2, filter=_usingQss) #: Accuracy parameter for repeating timesteps epsmax = FloatOption(1e1, level=2, filter=_usingQss) #: Minimum internal timestep dtmin = FloatOption(1e-16, level=2, filter=_usingQss) #: Maximum internal timestep dtmax = FloatOption(1e-6, level=2, filter=_usingQss) #: Number of corrector iterations per timestep. iterationCount = IntegerOption(1, level=2, filter=_usingQss) #: Absolute threshold for including each component in the accuracy #: tests. abstol = FloatOption(1e-11, level=2, filter=_usingQss) #: Lower limit on the value of each state vector component. minval = FloatOption(1e-60, level=2, filter=_usingQss) #: Enable convergence-based stability check on timestep. Not #: enabled unless *iterationCount* >= 3. stabilityCheck = BoolOption(False, level=2, filter=_usingQss)
[docs] class Debug(Options): """ Control of verbose debugging output """ #: Addition / removal of internal grid points. adaptation = BoolOption(False, level=2) #: Addition / removal of boundary grid points. regridding = BoolOption(True, level=2) #: Print current time after each global timestep. timesteps = BoolOption(True, level=2) #: Enable extensive timestep debugging output. Automatically #: enabled for debug builds. veryVerbose = BoolOption(False, level=2) #: Print information about the flame radius feedback controller. flameRadiusControl = BoolOption(False, level=2) #: Grid point to print debugging information about at *sourceTime*. sourcePoint = IntegerOption(-1, level=3) #: Time at which to print extensive debugging information about #: the source term at j = *sourcePoint*, then terminate. sourceTime = FloatOption(0.0, level=3) #: Time at which to start saving intermediate integrator profiles when #: OutputFiles.debugIntegratorStages is True startTime = FloatOption(0.0, level=3) #: Time at which to stop saving intermediate integrator profiles when #: OutputFiles.debugIntegratorStages is True stopTime = FloatOption(100.0, level=3)
[docs] class OutputFiles(Options): """ Control the contents of the periodic output files """ #: File extension of the output files. 'h5' for HDF5 files, which require #: the 'h5py' Python module and can be read by other programs, or 'npz' for #: a compressed NumPy data structure. fileExtension = dynamicDefaultFileExtension #: Include the heat release rate as a function of space heatReleaseRate = BoolOption(True, level=2) #: Include the reaction / diffusion / convection contributions to #: the net time derivative of each state variable timeDerivatives = BoolOption(True, level=2) #: Include variables such as transport properties and grid #: parameters that can be recomputed from the state variables. extraVariables = BoolOption(False, level=2) #: Include other miscellaneous variables auxiliaryVariables = BoolOption(False, level=2) #: Used to generate a continuous sequence of output files after #: restarting the code. firstFileNumber = IntegerOption(0, level=2) #: Generate ``profNNNNNN.h5`` files saveProfiles = BoolOption(True, level=1) #: Write profiles after each stage of the split integrator. debugIntegratorStages = BoolOption(False, level=2) #: Class used to write periodic output files (e.g. profNNNNNN.h5) stateWriter = Option(output.StateWriter, level=2) #: Class used to write time-series files (e.g. out.h5) timeSeriesWriter = Option(output.TimeSeriesWriter, level=2)
[docs] class TerminationCondition(Options): r""" Integrate until either *tEnd* is reached or a criterion based on *measurement* is satisfied. The *measurement*-based check is not enabled until *tMin* is reached. - If `measurement == None`, integration will proceed to *tEnd*. - If `measurement == 'Q'`, integration will terminate when the the heat release rate reaches a steady-state value to within *tolerance* (RMS) over a time period of *steadyPeriod*, or the mean heat release rate over *steadyPeriod* is less than *abstol*. - If `measurement == 'dTdt'`, integration will terminate when `||1/T * dT/dt|| / sqrt(nPoints)` is less than *dTdtTol*. """ tEnd = FloatOption(0.8) #: measurement = Option("Q", (None,'dTdt')) #: tolerance = FloatOption(1e-4, level=2) #: abstol = FloatOption(0.5, min=0, level=2) #: steadyPeriod = FloatOption(0.002, min=0, level=1) #: tMin = FloatOption(0.0, level=1) #: dTdtTol = FloatOption(10.0) #:
[docs] class Config(object): """ An object consisting of a set of Options objects which define a complete set of configuration options needed to run the flame solver. """ def __init__(self, *args): opts = {} for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, Options): raise TypeError('%r is not an instance of class Options' % arg) name = arg.__class__.__name__ if name in opts: raise ValueError('Multiple instances of class %r encountered' % name) opts[name] = arg get = lambda cls: opts.get(cls.__name__) or cls() self.paths = get(Paths) self.general = get(General) self.chemistry = get(Chemistry) self.grid = get(Grid) self.initialCondition = get(InitialCondition) self.wallFlux = opts.get('WallFlux') self.ignition = get(Ignition) self.externalHeatFlux = get(ExternalHeatFlux) self.strainParameters = get(StrainParameters) self.positionControl = opts.get('PositionControl') self.times = get(Times) self.cvodeTolerances = get(CvodeTolerances) self.qssTolerances = get(QssTolerances) self.debug = get(Debug) self.outputFiles = get(OutputFiles) self.terminationCondition = get(TerminationCondition) self.extinction = get(Extinction) def evaluate(self): return ConcreteConfig(self) def __iter__(self): for item in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(item, Options): yield item def stringify(self): ans = [] for item in self: text = '\n'.join(item._stringify(4)) if text: ans.append(text) return 'conf = Config(\n' + ',\n'.join(ans) + ')\n' def validate(self): error = False cylindricalFlame = True if self.general.flameGeometry == 'cylindrical' else False discFlame = True if self.general.flameGeometry == 'disc' else False # Position control can only be used with "twin" or "curved" flames if (self.positionControl is not None and not self.general.twinFlame and not cylindricalFlame): error = True print("Error: PositionControl can only be used when either 'twinFlame'\n" " or 'cylindricalFlame' is set to True.") # twinFlame and cylindricalFlame are mutually exclusive: if cylindricalFlame and self.general.twinFlame: error = True print("Error: 'twinFlame' and 'cylindricalFlame' are mutually exclusive.") # discFlame and cylindricalFlame are mutually exclusive: if cylindricalFlame and discFlame: error = True print("Error: 'discFlame' and 'cylindricalFlame' are mutually exclusive.") # the "fuelLeft" option only makes sense for diffusion flames if (self.initialCondition.flameType == 'premixed' and self.general.fuelLeft.isSet): error = True print("Error: 'general.fuelLeft' should not be specified for premixed flames.") # the "unburnedLeft" option only makes sense for premixed flames if (self.initialCondition.flameType == 'diffusion' and self.general.unburnedLeft.isSet): error = True print("Error: 'general.unburnedLeft' should not be specified for diffusion flames.") # the "fixedTemperature" boundary condition currently only works with # balanced splitting if (self.general.splittingMethod == 'strang' and self.general.continuityBC == 'fixedTemperature'): error = True print("Error: 'fixedTemperature' continuity boundary condition is" " only compatible with 'balanced' splitting.") # Make sure that the mechanism file actually works and contains the # specified fuel and oxidizer species gas = cantera.Solution(self.chemistry.mechanismFile.value, self.chemistry.phaseID.value, transport_model=None) if self.initialCondition.reactants.value is not None: gas.X = self.initialCondition.reactants.value else: gas.X = self.initialCondition.fuel.value gas.X = self.initialCondition.oxidizer.value # Make sure that the mechanism file has sane rate coefficients if self.initialCondition.flameType == 'premixed': Tcheck = self.initialCondition.Tu.value else: Tcheck = min(self.initialCondition.Tfuel.value, self.initialCondition.Toxidizer.value) error |= self.checkRateConstants(gas, Tcheck) # Make sure the restart file is in the correct place (if specified) if self.initialCondition.restartFile: restart = self.initialCondition.restartFile.value if not os.path.exists(restart): error = True print("Error: Couldn't find restart file %r.\n" % restart) if error: print('Validation failed.') print('To force simulation attempt:"force")') else: print('Validation completed successfully.') return not error
[docs] def checkRateConstants(self, gas, T): """ A function for finding reactions with suspiciously high rate constants at low temperatures. """ gas.TPY = T, 101325, np.ones(gas.n_species) Rf = gas.forward_rate_constants Rr = gas.reverse_rate_constants error = False for i in range(len(Rf)): if Rf[i] > 1e30: error = True print('WARNING: Excessively high forward rate constant' ' for reaction %i at T = %6.2f K' % (i+1,T)) print(' Reaction equation: %s' % gas.reaction_equation(i)) print(' Forward rate constant: %e' % Rf[i]) if Rr[i] > 1e30: error = True print('WARNING: Excessively high reverse rate constant' ' for reaction %i at T = %6.2f K' % (i+1,T)) print(' Reaction equation: %s' % gas.reaction_equation(i)) print(' Reverse rate constant: %e' % Rr[i]) return error
[docs] def run(self, command=None): """ Run the simulation using the parameters set in this Config. If a list strain rates is provided by the field :attr:`strainParameters.rates`, a sequence of flame simulations at the given strain rates will be run. Otherwise, a single simulation will be run. If the script which calls this function is passed the argument *validate*, then the configuration will be checked for errors and the script will exit without running the simulation. """ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].lower() == 'validate': # Validate the configuration and exit self.validate() return if command is None: self.validate() elif command == 'validate': self.validate() return elif command != 'force': print('An argument of "force" will allow for skipping validation and attempting to simulate.') print('Exiting...') return concrete = self.evaluate() if self.strainParameters.rates: return concrete.multirun() else: return
[docs] def runESR(self, command=None): """ Run an extinction strain rate simulation using the parameters set in this Config. The strain rate parameter will be increased until a steady burning flame can no longer be achieved. If the script which calls this function is passed the argument *validate*, then the configuration will be checked for errors and the script will exit without running the simulation. """ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].lower() == 'validate': # Validate the configuration and exit self.validate() return concrete = self.evaluate() if command is None: self.validate() elif command == 'validate': self.validate() return elif command != 'force': print('An argument of "force" will allow for skipping validation and attempting to simulate.') print('Exiting...') return return concrete.runESR()
class ConcreteConfig(_ember.ConfigOptions): """ Same structure as class Config, but all the Option objects are replaced with their actual values, and these values are propagated to an underlying C++ object as necessary. """ def __init__(self, config): super(ConcreteConfig, self).__init__() self.original = config for name, opts in config.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(opts, Options): group = opts.__class__() group.original = opts setattr(self, name, group) for name in dir(opts): opt = getattr(opts, name) if isinstance(opt, Option): setattr(group, name, opt.value) elif opts is None: setattr(self, name, None) self.gas = cantera.Solution(self.chemistry.mechanismFile, self.chemistry.phaseID, transport_model=None) if self.general.fixedBurnedVal is None: if ((self.general.twinFlame or self.general.flameGeometry == 'cylindrical') and not self.general.unburnedLeft): self.general.fixedBurnedVal = False else: self.general.fixedBurnedVal = True if self.initialCondition.flameType == 'quasi2d': self.setupQuasi2d() elif self.initialCondition.restartFile: self.readInitialCondition(self.initialCondition.restartFile) elif not self.initialCondition.haveProfiles: self.generateInitialCondition() self.apply_options() def readInitialCondition(self, restartFile): """ Read the initial profiles for temperature, species mass fractions, and velocity from the specified input file. """ IC = self.initialCondition data = utils.HDFStruct(restartFile) IC.x = data.x IC.Y = data.Y IC.T = data.T IC.U = data.U IC.V = data.V IC.haveProfiles = True if any(map(IC.isSet, ('fuel', 'oxidizer', 'Tfuel', 'Toxidizer', 'reactants', 'equivalenceRatio', 'Tcounterflow', 'counterflow'))): self.setBoundaryValues(IC.T, IC.Y, IC.V) def setBoundaryValues(self, T, Y, V=None): IC = self.initialCondition jm = (IC.nPoints-1) // 2 gas = self.gas if IC.flameType == 'premixed': # Reactants if IC.reactants: gas.X = IC.reactants else: gas.set_equivalence_ratio(IC.equivalenceRatio, IC.fuel, IC.oxidizer) gas.TP = IC.Tu, IC.pressure rhou = gas.density Yu = gas.Y # Products gas.equilibrate('HP') if IC.Tcounterflow is None: Tb = gas.T else: Tb = IC.Tcounterflow if IC.counterflow is None: Yb = gas.Y else: gas.TPX = Tb, IC.pressure, IC.counterflow Yb = gas.Y if IC.equilibrateCounterflow: gas.TPY = Tb, IC.pressure, Yb gas.equilibrate(IC.equilibrateCounterflow) Yb = gas.Y Tb = gas.T if self.general.unburnedLeft: T[0] = IC.Tu Y[:,0] = Yu if V is None or V[-1] < 0: T[-1] = Tb Y[:,-1] = Yb else: if V is None or V[0] > 0: T[0] = Tb Y[:,0] = Yb T[-1] = IC.Tu Y[:,-1] = Yu elif IC.flameType == 'diffusion': # Fuel gas.TPX = IC.Tfuel, IC.pressure, IC.fuel Yfuel = gas.Y # Oxidizer gas.TPX = IC.Toxidizer, IC.pressure, IC.oxidizer if IC.equilibrateCounterflow: gas.equilibrate(IC.equilibrateCounterflow) rhou = gas.density # use oxidizer value for diffusion flame Yoxidizer = gas.Y Toxidizer = gas.T if self.general.fuelLeft: T[0] = IC.Tfuel Y[:,0] = Yfuel T[-1] = Toxidizer Y[:,-1] = Yoxidizer else: T[0] = Toxidizer Y[:,0] = Yoxidizer T[-1] = IC.Tfuel Y[:,-1] = Yfuel return rhou def generateInitialCondition(self): """ Generate initial profiles for temperature, species mass fractions, and velocity using the specified fuel and oxidizer compositions and flame configuration parameters. """ IC = self.initialCondition beta = (2.0 if self.general.flameGeometry=='disc' else 1.0) N = IC.nPoints gas = self.gas xLeft = (0.0 if self.general.twinFlame or self.general.flameGeometry == 'cylindrical' else IC.xLeft) x = np.linspace(xLeft, IC.xRight, N) T = np.zeros(N) Y = np.zeros((self.gas.n_species, N)) V = np.zeros(N) jm = (IC.nPoints-1) // 2 # make sure the initial profile fits comfortably in the domain scale = 0.8 * (x[-1] - x[0]) / (IC.centerWidth + 2 * IC.slopeWidth) if scale < 1.0: IC.slopeWidth *= scale IC.centerWidth *= scale # Determine the grid indices defining each profile segment dx = x[1]-x[0] centerPointCount = int(0.5 + 0.5 * IC.centerWidth / dx) slopePointCount = int(0.5 + IC.slopeWidth / dx) jl2 = jm - centerPointCount jl1 = jl2 - slopePointCount jr1 = jm + centerPointCount jr2 = jr1 + slopePointCount rhou = self.setBoundaryValues(T, Y) if IC.flameType == 'premixed': gas.set_equivalence_ratio(IC.equivalenceRatio, IC.fuel, IC.oxidizer) gas.TP = IC.Tu, IC.pressure gas.equilibrate('HP') T[jm] = gas.T Y[:,jm] = gas.Y elif IC.flameType == 'diffusion': # Assume stoichiometric mixture at the center IC.equivalenceRatio = 1.0 gas.set_equivalence_ratio(1.0, IC.fuel, IC.oxidizer) gas.TP = 0.5*(IC.Tfuel+IC.Toxidizer), IC.pressure gas.equilibrate('HP') T[jm] = gas.T Y[:,jm] = gas.Y newaxis = np.newaxis Y[:,1:jl1] = Y[:,0,newaxis] T[1:jl1] = T[0] ramp = np.linspace(0, 1, jl2-jl1) Y[:,jl1:jl2] = Y[:,0,newaxis] + (Y[:,jm]-Y[:,0])[:,newaxis]*ramp T[jl1:jl2] = T[0] + (T[jm]-T[0]) * ramp Y[:,jl2:jr1] = Y[:,jm,newaxis] T[jl2:jr1] = T[jm] ramp = np.linspace(0, 1, jr2-jr1) Y[:,jr1:jr2] = Y[:,jm,newaxis] + (Y[:,-1]-Y[:,jm])[:,newaxis]*ramp T[jr1:jr2] = T[jm] + (T[-1]-T[jm]) * ramp Y[:,jr2:] = Y[:,-1,newaxis] T[jr2:] = T[-1] YT = Y.T for _ in range(IC.smoothCount): utils.smooth(YT) utils.smooth(T) Y = YT.T rho = np.zeros(N) U = np.zeros(N) if self.strainParameters.function: a0 = self.strainParameters.function(self.times.tStart) else: a0 = self.strainParameters.initial for j in range(N): gas.TPY = T[j], IC.pressure, Y[:,j] rho[j] = gas.density U[j] = a0 / beta * np.sqrt(rhou/rho[j]) for _ in range(2): utils.smooth(U) if self.general.twinFlame or self.general.flameGeometry == 'cylindrical': # Stagnation point at x = 0 V[0] = 0 for j in range(1, N): # derived from finite difference of continuity equation V[j] = V[j-1] - beta * rho[j]*U[j]*(x[j] - x[j-1]) elif IC.flameType == 'diffusion': jz = N // 4 # place stagnation point on the fuel side (flame on oxidizer side) V[jz] = 0 for j in range(jz+1, N): V[j] = V[j-1] - beta * rho[j]*U[j]*(x[j] - x[j-1]) for j in range(jz-1, -1, -1): V[j] = V[j+1] + beta * rho[j]*U[j]*(x[j+1] - x[j]) else: # Single Premixed jet opposing inert or hot products jz = 3 * N // 4 # place stagnation point on the products/inert side V[jz] = 0 for j in range(jz+1, N): V[j] = V[j-1] - beta * rho[j]*U[j]*(x[j] - x[j-1]) for j in range(jz-1, -1, -1): V[j] = V[j+1] + beta * rho[j]*U[j]*(x[j+1] - x[j]) IC.x = x IC.Y = Y IC.T = T IC.U = U IC.V = V IC.haveProfiles = True def setupQuasi2d(self): IC = self.initialCondition data = utils.HDFStruct(self.general.interpFile) IC.x = data.r IC.Y = data.Y0 IC.T = data.T[0] IC.U = data.U IC.V = data.vz[0] IC.haveProfiles = True IC.interpData = data def run(self): """ Run a single flame simulation using the parameters set in this Config. """ confString = self.original.stringify() if not os.path.isdir(self.paths.outputDir): os.makedirs(self.paths.outputDir, 0o0755) confOutPath = os.path.join(self.paths.outputDir, 'config') if (os.path.exists(confOutPath)): os.unlink(confOutPath) confOut = open(confOutPath, 'w') confOut.write(confString) solver = _ember.FlameSolver(self) solver.initialize() done = 0 while not done: done = solver.step() solver.finalize() return solver def runESR(self): """ Run a sequence of flame simulations at increasing strain rates until a steady burning solution is no longer possible with an increase in strain rate. The parameters governing this progression are defined under the configuration field :attr:`Extinction`. """ if os.path.exists(self.paths.outputDir): print('Output directory already exists') print('Exiting...') return # Establishing the directory structure for saving the output files from # the number of flame simulations at increasing strain rates outDirTop = self.paths.outputDir logPath = self.paths.outputDir+'/logFiles' currentRunPath = self.paths.outputDir+'/runFiles' ssProfilePath = self.paths.outputDir+'/ssFiles' restartPath = None self.paths.outputDir = currentRunPath if not os.path.exists(self.paths.outputDir): os.makedirs(outDirTop, 0o0755) os.makedirs(logPath, 0o0755) os.makedirs(currentRunPath, 0o0755) os.makedirs(ssProfilePath, 0o0755) fileExt = self.outputFiles.fileExtension if self.paths.logFile: _logFile = open(self.paths.logFile, 'w') def log(message): _logFile.write(message) _logFile.write('\n') _logFile.flush() else: def log(message): print(message) strainRateValues = [] maxTemps = [] strainRate = self.extinction.initialStrainRate # There are two methods that can be used to progress and converge to the # extinction strain rate. The first is by an initially constant step # size in strain rate that will later be reduced when converging to the # extinction point. The second is to increase by a factor of the current # strain rate which will also be reduced when converging to the # extinction point. if self.extinction.method == 'step': stepSize = self.extinction.initialStep else: incFactor = self.extinction.initialFactor complete = False hasExtinguished = False # The extinction simulation is considered converged once the step size # or increase factor has been reduced below the minimum cutoff value # that is specified by the user in the configuration script. while not complete: # Because a continuation approach is used, the flame solution at the # previous strain rate is used as an initial guess for the flame at # the new strain rate, and 'restartPath' references the location of # the most recently converged strained flame at the highest strain # rate so far. if restartPath is not None: if self.extinction.method == 'step': strainRate += stepSize else: strainRate *= incFactor log('\nBeginning run at strain rate: %g s^-1' % strainRate) self.strainParameters.initial = strainRate = strainRate self.paths.logFile = os.path.join(logPath, 'log_sr{:08.2f}.txt'.format(strainRate)) self.apply_options() solver = _ember.FlameSolver(self) t1 = time.time() solver.initialize() done = False extinguished = False while not done: done = solver.step() # In order to speed up ESR calculations, the user specifies in # the input a 'cutoffTemp'. If the simulation maximum # temperature falls below this temperature, the simulation # stops, and it is assumed that the simulation would simply # continue in time until converging to a non-burning opposed jet # solution which can be computationally intensive, especially # for kinetic models with large numbers of species. if max(solver.T) < self.extinction.cutoffTemp: done = True extinguished = True solver.finalize() t2 = time.time() log('Run finished; Integration took %.1f seconds.' % (t2-t1)) # When using 'dTdt' strained flame convergence near the extinction # strain rate, under some conditions the simulation will converge # prematurely. This will yield a maximum temperature that is # incorrectly greater than the previous max T at a lower strain # rate. When this issue is observed, the following code block # modifies and tightens the convergence criteria accordingly to # avoid this non-physical result. if hasExtinguished is True: if max(solver.T) >= maxTemps[-1]: if self.terminationCondition.measurement == 'dTdt': print('Switching convergence method to Q') self.terminationCondition.measurement = 'Q' done = False while not done: done = solver.step() if max(solver.T) < self.extinction.cutoffTemp: done = True extinguished = True solver.finalize() t2 = time.time() if max(solver.T) >= maxTemps[-1]: print('Tightening tolerance') self.terminationCondition.tolerance /= 2.0 done = False while not done: done = solver.step() if max(solver.T) < self.extinction.cutoffTemp: done = True extinguished = True solver.finalize() t2 = time.time() if max(solver.T) >= maxTemps[-1]: print('Refining tolerance failed') print('marking as extinguished..') extinguished = True # When a steady, burning solution is found, the solution is saved # and the starting point for subsequent simulations is updated to # this newly converged strain rate. if extinguished is False: log('Found burning solution with Tmax = %.1f' % max(solver.T)) restartFile = 'prof_sr{:08.2f}.{}'.format(strainRate, fileExt) restartPath = os.path.join(ssProfilePath, restartFile) solver.writeStateFile(os.path.splitext(restartFile)[0]) os.rename(os.path.join(self.paths.outputDir, restartFile), restartPath) strainRateValues.append(strainRate) maxTemps.append(max(solver.T)) with open(os.path.join(outDirTop, 'conf_extinction.txt'), 'w') as confOut: confOut.write(self.original.stringify()) else: log('Found non-burning solution') if restartPath is not None: hasExtinguished = True if self.extinction.method == 'step': strainRate -= stepSize stepSize *= self.extinction.reductionFactor if stepSize < self.extinction.minStep: complete = True else: strainRate /= incFactor incFactor = 1.0 + (incFactor-1.0) * self.extinction.reductionFactor if incFactor < self.extinction.minFactor: complete = True # To reduce the number of files produced during an extinction # simulation, the intermediate time point solutions are deleted # after completing a run to the steady state solution. if not complete: shutil.rmtree(currentRunPath) os.mkdir(currentRunPath, 0o0755) # It is possible for the user to specify and initial starting strain # rate that is already beyond the extinction strain rate for their # specified initial unburned gas. If a steady, burning flame is not # achieved at the initial strain rate, the initial strain rate is # reduced by a factor of 2 and convergence is tried again. if restartPath is None: strainRate /= 2.0 if strainRate < 10.0: complete = True print('Failed to find burning starting point') else: self.readInitialCondition(restartPath) # A summary of the progression to extinction is saved. This is often # useful when evaluating qualitatively, whether the solution seems to # have converged to the extinction point. with open(os.path.join(outDirTop,'extProfile.csv'),'w') as extProgData: extProgData.write('Strain Rate [1/s],Max. Temp. [K]\n') for a, Tmax in zip(strainRateValues, maxTemps): extProgData.write('{0:0.5f},{1:0.5f}\n'.format(a,Tmax)) extProgData.close() return _ember.FlameSolver(self) def multirun(self): """ Run a sequence of flame simulations at different strain rates using the parameters set in this Config object. The list of strain rates is defined by the configuration field :attr:`strainParameters.rates`. """ confString = self.original.stringify() strainRates = self.strainParameters.rates if not strainRates: print('No strain rate list specified') return self.strainParameters.rates = None if self.paths.logFile: _logFile = open(self.paths.logFile, 'w') def log(message): _logFile.write(message) _logFile.write('\n') _logFile.flush() else: def log(message): print(message) if not os.path.exists(self.paths.outputDir): os.makedirs(self.paths.outputDir, 0o0755) self.strainParameters.initial = strainRates[0] aSave = [] Q = [] Sc = [] xFlame = [] fileExt = self.outputFiles.fileExtension for a in strainRates: aSave.append(a) restartFile = 'prof_eps{:04d}.{}'.format(a, fileExt) historyFile = 'out_eps{:04d}.{}'.format(a, fileExt) configFile = 'conf_eps{:04d}.{}'.format(a, fileExt) restartPath = os.path.join(self.paths.outputDir, restartFile) historyPath = os.path.join(self.paths.outputDir, historyFile) configPath = os.path.join(self.paths.outputDir, configFile) if os.path.exists(restartPath) and os.path.exists(historyPath): # If the output files already exist, we simply retrieve the # integral flame properties from the existing profiles and # advance to the next strain rate. log('Skipping run at strain rate a = %g' ' because the output file "%s" already exists.' % (a, restartFile)) # Compute integral properties using points from the last half # of the termination-check period data = utils.HDFStruct(historyPath) mask = data.t > data.t[-1] - 0.5*self.terminationCondition.steadyPeriod if not any(mask): log('Warning: old data file did not contain data' ' spanning the requested period.') mask = data.t > 0.5*data.t[-1] Q.append(np.mean(data.Q[mask])) Sc.append(np.mean(data.Sc[mask])) xFlame.append(np.mean(data.xFlame[mask])) del data else: # Data is not already present, so run the flame solver for this strain rate log('Beginning run at strain rate a = %g s^-1' % a) confOut = open(configPath, 'w') confOut.write(confString) self.strainParameters.initial = a = a self.paths.logFile = os.path.join(self.paths.outputDir, 'log-eps%04i.txt' % a) log("Writing output file for run to '%s'" % self.paths.logFile) self.apply_options() solver = _ember.FlameSolver(self) t1 = time.time() solver.initialize() done = 0 while not done: done = solver.step() solver.finalize() t2 = time.time() log('Completed run at strain rate a = %g s^-1' % a) log('Integration took %.1f seconds.' % (t2-t1)) solver.writeStateFile(os.path.splitext(restartFile)[0]) solver.writeTimeseriesFile(os.path.splitext(historyFile)[0]) tRun = np.array(solver.timeseriesWriter.t) QRun = np.array(solver.timeseriesWriter.Q) ScRun = np.array(solver.timeseriesWriter.Sc) xFlameRun = np.array(solver.timeseriesWriter.xFlame) # Compute integral properties using points from the last half # of the termination-check period mask = tRun > tRun[-1] - 0.5*self.terminationCondition.steadyPeriod Q.append(np.mean(QRun[mask])) Sc.append(np.mean(ScRun[mask])) xFlame.append(np.mean(xFlameRun[mask])) self.readInitialCondition(restartPath) # Sort by strain rate: aSave, Q, Sc, xFlame = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(aSave, Q, Sc, xFlame)))) integralFile = os.path.join(self.paths.outputDir, "integral.{}".format(self.outputFiles.fileExtension)) if os.path.exists(integralFile): os.unlink(integralFile) with output.OutputFile(integralFile) as data: data['a'] = aSave data['Q'] = Q data['Sc'] = Sc data['xFlame'] = xFlame return _ember.FlameSolver(self)