C++ Implementation DocsΒΆ
The one-dimensonal flame model is primarily implemented by the following C++ classes:
FlameSolver - Main integrator driver
Operator split systems of equations:
SourceSystem - chemical source (reaction) term
SourceSystemCVODE - used with sundialsCVODE
SourceSystemQSS - used with QssIntegrator
DiffusionSystem - diffusion term for a single component
ConvectionSystemSplit - Wrapper that integrates convection terms for all components
ConvectionSystemY - convection term for a single species
ConvectionSystemUTW - convection term for velocity, temperature, and molecular weight
sundialsCVODE - Integrator used for convection systems and SourceSystemCVODE
QssIntegrator - Integrator used with SourceSystemQSS
Other classes of interest:
OneDimGrid - an adaptive, non-uniform one-dimensional grid
GridBased - base class used with several other classes to provide access to the grid parameters
configOptions - options used to set up the FlameSolver
CanteraGas - Wrapper around a set of Cantera objects used to compute thermodynamic, kinetic, and transport properties of an ideal gas mixture.
For the full list of classes, see the C++ Class List.