Represents a system of equations used to integrate the (chemical) source term at a single point using the CVODE integrator.
| SourceSystemCVODE () |
int | f (const realtype t, const sdVector &y, sdVector &ydot) |
| The ODE function: ydot = f(t,y)
int | denseJacobian (const realtype t, const sdVector &y, const sdVector &ydot, sdMatrix &J) |
| Calculate the Jacobian matrix: J = df/dy.
int | fdJacobian (const realtype t, const sdVector &y, const sdVector &ydot, sdMatrix &J) |
| A simpler finite difference based Jacobian.
void | setState (double tInitial, double uu, double tt, const dvec &yy) |
| Set the initial condition for integrator.
int | integrateToTime (double tf) |
| Take as many steps as needed to reach tf .
int | integrateOneStep (double tf) |
| Take one step toward tf without stepping past it.
double | time () const |
| Current integrator time, relative to tInitial .
void | unroll_y (const sdVector &y, double t) |
| fill in the current state variables from y
void | unroll_y () |
| fill in the current state variables from the integrator state
void | roll_y (sdVector &y) const |
| fill in y with the values of the current state variables
void | roll_ydot (sdVector &ydot) const |
| fill in ydot with the values of the current time derivatives
std::string | getStats () |
| Return a string indicating the number of internal timesteps taken.
void | initialize (size_t nSpec) |
| Resize internal arrays for a problem of the specified size (nSpec+2 )
void | setOptions (ConfigOptions &options) |
| Set integrator tolerances and other parameters.
virtual void | writeState (std::ostream &out, bool init) |
| Write the current values of the state variables, formatted to be read by Python, to the specified stream.
void | writeJacobian (std::ostream &out) |
| Print the current Jacobian matrix ot the specified stream.
| SourceSystem () |
virtual | ~SourceSystem () |
virtual void | setState (double tInitial, double uu, double tt, const dvec &yy)=0 |
| Set the initial condition for integrator.
virtual int | integrateToTime (double tf)=0 |
| Take as many steps as needed to reach tf .
virtual int | integrateOneStep (double tf)=0 |
| Take one step toward tf without stepping past it.
virtual double | time () const =0 |
| Current integrator time, relative to tInitial .
virtual void | unroll_y ()=0 |
| Extract current internal integrator state into U, T, and Y.
virtual void | setDebug (bool debug_) |
virtual std::string | getStats ()=0 |
| Return a string indicating the number of internal timesteps taken.
void | updateThermo () |
| Compute thermodynamic properties (density, enthalpies, heat capacities) from the current state variables.
double | getQdotIgniter (double t) |
| Calculate the heat release rate associated with a possible external ignition source.
void | setGas (CanteraGas *_gas) |
| Set the CanteraGas object to use for thermodynamic and kinetic property calculations.
virtual void | initialize (size_t nSpec) |
| Resize internal arrays for a problem of the specified size (nSpec+2 )
virtual void | setOptions (ConfigOptions &options_) |
| Set integrator tolerances and other parameters.
void | setTimers (PerfTimer *reactionRates, PerfTimer *thermo, PerfTimer *jacobian) |
void | setPosition (size_t j, double x) |
| Set the index j and position x that are represented by this system.
void | setStrainFunction (ScalarFunction *f) |
| Set the function used to compute the strain rate as a function of time.
void | setRateMultiplierFunction (ScalarFunction *f) |
| Set the function used to compute the reaction rate multiplier.
void | setHeatLossFunction (IntegratorCallback *f) |
| Set the function used to compute the heat loss rate to the environment.
void | setRhou (double _rhou) |
| Set the density of the unburned mixture.
void | resetSplitConstants () |
| Set all the balanced splitting constants to zero.
void | setupQuasi2d (std::shared_ptr< BilinearInterpolator > vzInterp, std::shared_ptr< BilinearInterpolator > TInterp) |
| Assign the interpolators used for solving quasi-2D problems.
virtual void | writeState (std::ostream &out, bool init) |
| Write the current values of the state variables, formatted to be read by Python, to the specified stream.
virtual void | writeJacobian (std::ostream &out) |
bool | debug |
ConfigOptions * | options |
CanteraGas * | gas |
| Cantera data.
PerfTimer * | reactionRatesTimer |
| Timer for time spent evaluating reaction rates.
PerfTimer * | thermoTimer |
| Timer for time spent evaluating thermodynamic properties.
PerfTimer * | jacobianTimer |
| Timer for time spent evaluating and factorizing the Jacobian.
ScalarFunction * | strainFunction |
| A class that provides the strain rate and its time derivative.
ScalarFunction * | rateMultiplierFunction |
| Provides a multiplier (optional) for the production terms.
IntegratorCallback * | heatLoss |
| Heat loss rate.
size_t | nSpec |
| number of species
int | j |
| grid index for this system
double | x |
| grid position for this system
double | rhou |
| density of the unburned gas
double | qDot |
| heat release rate per unit volume [W/m^3]
double | qLoss |
| heat loss to the environment [W/m^3]
double | rho |
| density [kg/m^3]
double | cp |
| specific heat capacity (average) [J/kg*K]
dvec | cpSpec |
| species specific heat capacity [J/mol*K]
double | Wmx |
| mixture molecular weight [kg/mol]
dvec | W |
| species molecular weights [kg/kmol]
dvec | hk |
| species enthalpies [J/kmol]
bool | quasi2d |
| Flag set to 'true' when solving a quasi-2D problem with prescribed velocity and temperature fields.
std::shared_ptr< BilinearInterpolator > | vzInterp |
| An interpolator for computing the axial (z) velocity when solving a quasi-2D problem.
std::shared_ptr< BilinearInterpolator > | TInterp |
| An interpolator for computing the temperature when solving a quasi-2D problem.
virtual int | f (const realtype t, const sdVector &y, sdVector &ydot)=0 |
| Evaluate the ODE function.
virtual int | g (realtype t, sdVector &y, realtype *gOut) |
| Optional function for CVODE to find roots of.
virtual int | denseJacobian (const realtype t, const sdVector &y, const sdVector &ydot, sdMatrix &J) |
| Optional function used to compute the dense Jacobian.
virtual int | bandedJacobian (const realtype t, const sdVector &y, const sdVector &ydot, sdBandMatrix &J) |
| Optional function used to compute a banded Jacobian.
virtual | ~sdODE () |
Represents a system of equations used to integrate the (chemical) source term at a single point using the CVODE integrator.