CBilinearInterpolator | Bilinear interpolation from data on a rectangular mesh |
Ctbb::blocked_range< T > | |
▼CCantera::BulkKinetics | |
CInterpKinetics | |
CCanteraGas | A set of Cantera objects needed for calculating thermodynamic properties, transport properties, and kinetic rates for a constant-pressure mixture |
Ctbb::combinable< T > | |
Ctbb::combinable< unsigned long int > | |
CConfigOptions | Configuration options for the simulation |
CdebugParameters | A container for global flags that set the verbosity of log messages |
Ctbb::enumerable_thread_specific< T > | |
Ctbb::enumerable_thread_specific< CanteraGas > | |
Ctbb::enumerable_thread_specific< timeval > | |
▼Cstd::exception | STL class |
CCallbackError | |
CDebugException | Class for exceptions raised by Ember |
Ctbb::global_control | |
▼CGridBased | A "mix-in" class used by classes that need frequent access to grid parameters |
CConvectionSystemSplit | Composite system representing the Convection term for all components |
CConvectionSystemUTW | System representing the coupled convection equations for U, T, and Wmx |
CConvectionSystemY | System representing the convection equation for a single species |
CDiffusionSystem | System representing diffusion of a single solution component |
CFlameSolver | Class which manages the main integration loop |
▼CIntegrator | Abstract base class for an ODE integrator that can integrate instances of class ODE |
CExplicitIntegrator | Integrates an ODE defined as ydot = f(t,y) using the explicit Euler method |
CTridiagonalIntegrator | Integrator using 1st and 2nd order BDF for tridiagonal systems, with matrix inversions done using the Thomas algorithm |
CIntegratorCallback | |
CLogFile | Write logging information either to a file or to stdout if no output file has been specified |
CLoggerCallback | |
▼CCantera::MixTransport | |
CApproxMixTransport | Mixture-averaged transport properties based on major species composition |
▼CCantera::MultiRateBase | |
CMultiArrheniusInterp | |
CODE | Abstract base class for an ODE initial value problem that can be integrated by an Integrator |
COneDimGrid | Representation of an adaptive, non-uniform one-dimensional grid |
CPerfTimer | A high-resolution, thread-aware timer and call counter class |
CQssIntegrator | A Quasi-Steady-State ODE Integrator based on CHEMEQ2 |
▼CQssOde | An ODE to be solved by QssIntegrator |
CSourceSystemQSS | This is the system representing the (chemical) source term at a point, integrated with the QssIntegrator |
▼CScalarFunction | Represents a parameterization of a scalar function of one variable, a(t) |
CChebyshevFunction | Chebyshev polynomial representation of a(t) |
CLinearFunction | Represents a function that is constant before and after a linear ramp |
CsdBandMatrix | Wrapper class for Sundials SUNBandMatrix objects |
CsdMatrix | Wrapper class for Sundials SUNDenseMatrix objects |
▼CsdODE | Abstract base class for an ODE to be integrated by SundialsCvode |
CConvectionSystemUTW | System representing the coupled convection equations for U, T, and Wmx |
CConvectionSystemY | System representing the convection equation for a single species |
CSourceSystemCVODE | Represents a system of equations used to integrate the (chemical) source term at a single point using the CVODE integrator |
CsdVector | Wrapper class for Sundials "N_Vector" |
▼CSourceSystem | Base class used to integrate the chemical source term at a single point |
CSourceSystemCVODE | Represents a system of equations used to integrate the (chemical) source term at a single point using the CVODE integrator |
CSourceSystemQSS | This is the system representing the (chemical) source term at a point, integrated with the QssIntegrator |
▼CSplitSolver | Implements operator split integration for reacting flow problems |
CFlameSolver | Class which manages the main integration loop |
CSundialsContext | A wrapper for managing a SUNContext object, need for Sundials >= 6.0 |
CSundialsCvode | Wrapper class for the Sundials CVODE solver |
CTbbWrapper< T > | Wrapper class for calling member functions in a tbb::parallel_for |
▼CTridiagonalODE | A system of linear ODEs represented by a tridiagonal matrix |
CDiffusionSystem | System representing diffusion of a single solution component |