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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CBilinearInterpolatorBilinear interpolation from data on a rectangular mesh
 Ctbb::blocked_range< T >
 CCanteraGasA set of Cantera objects needed for calculating thermodynamic properties, transport properties, and kinetic rates for a constant-pressure mixture
 Ctbb::combinable< T >
 Ctbb::combinable< unsigned long int >
 CConfigOptionsConfiguration options for the simulation
 CdebugParametersA container for global flags that set the verbosity of log messages
 Ctbb::enumerable_thread_specific< T >
 Ctbb::enumerable_thread_specific< CanteraGas >
 Ctbb::enumerable_thread_specific< timeval >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CDebugExceptionClass for exceptions raised by Ember
 CGridBasedA "mix-in" class used by classes that need frequent access to grid parameters
 CConvectionSystemSplitComposite system representing the Convection term for all components
 CConvectionSystemUTWSystem representing the coupled convection equations for U, T, and Wmx
 CConvectionSystemYSystem representing the convection equation for a single species
 CDiffusionSystemSystem representing diffusion of a single solution component
 CFlameSolverClass which manages the main integration loop
 CIntegratorAbstract base class for an ODE integrator that can integrate instances of class ODE
 CExplicitIntegratorIntegrates an ODE defined as ydot = f(t,y) using the explicit Euler method
 CTridiagonalIntegratorIntegrator using 1st and 2nd order BDF for tridiagonal systems, with matrix inversions done using the Thomas algorithm
 CLogFileWrite logging information either to a file or to stdout if no output file has been specified
 CApproxMixTransportMixture-averaged transport properties based on major species composition
 CODEAbstract base class for an ODE initial value problem that can be integrated by an Integrator
 COneDimGridRepresentation of an adaptive, non-uniform one-dimensional grid
 CPerfTimerA high-resolution, thread-aware timer and call counter class
 CQssIntegratorA Quasi-Steady-State ODE Integrator based on CHEMEQ2
 CQssOdeAn ODE to be solved by QssIntegrator
 CSourceSystemQSSThis is the system representing the (chemical) source term at a point, integrated with the QssIntegrator
 CScalarFunctionRepresents a parameterization of a scalar function of one variable, a(t)
 CChebyshevFunctionChebyshev polynomial representation of a(t)
 CLinearFunctionRepresents a function that is constant before and after a linear ramp
 CsdBandMatrixWrapper class for Sundials SUNBandMatrix objects
 CsdMatrixWrapper class for Sundials SUNDenseMatrix objects
 CsdODEAbstract base class for an ODE to be integrated by SundialsCvode
 CConvectionSystemUTWSystem representing the coupled convection equations for U, T, and Wmx
 CConvectionSystemYSystem representing the convection equation for a single species
 CSourceSystemCVODERepresents a system of equations used to integrate the (chemical) source term at a single point using the CVODE integrator
 CsdVectorWrapper class for Sundials "N_Vector"
 CSourceSystemBase class used to integrate the chemical source term at a single point
 CSourceSystemCVODERepresents a system of equations used to integrate the (chemical) source term at a single point using the CVODE integrator
 CSourceSystemQSSThis is the system representing the (chemical) source term at a point, integrated with the QssIntegrator
 CSplitSolverImplements operator split integration for reacting flow problems
 CFlameSolverClass which manages the main integration loop
 CSundialsContextA wrapper for managing a SUNContext object, need for Sundials >= 6.0
 CSundialsCvodeWrapper class for the Sundials CVODE solver
 CTbbWrapper< T >Wrapper class for calling member functions in a tbb::parallel_for
 CTridiagonalODEA system of linear ODEs represented by a tridiagonal matrix
 CDiffusionSystemSystem representing diffusion of a single solution component